Most of the government entities post upcoming and past agendas and minutes on their website. You can watch replays on line. Public notices are required for regulation changes, comprehensive plan updates, rezoning, special use permits and special meetings. . The public notices are published in the newspaper two weeks in advance. Smaller cities like Linwood and Easton do not have post as much online as the larger cities. Prior to the meeting, the government entity produces an administrative packet that has supporting documents and details about the agenda items. The BOCC and the county Planning Department publishes the administrative package on their website the Friday before each meeting.
Each government entity has their own guidelines but most of them like to have advance notice of you participating so call the office in advance. Show up at on the designated date, time and location of the public hearing. When the public hearing is opened, each citizen will approach the podium one at a time, state their name and address and then make their comments. The time alloted to each person varies depending on the government entity. Most of them allow three minutes per person so be prepared to state your support or concern for the issue in a concise manner.